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acrostic ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

acrostic anlamı
1) akrostiş

"acrostic" için örnek kullanımlar

Drew Millard would like to thank Nick Greene for allowing him to use the acrostic as a concert reviewing tool.
Drew Millard kendisine aracı incelerken bir konser olarak akrostiş kullanmak için izin için Nick Greene teşekkür etmek istiyorum.
Kaynak: noisey.vice.com
Ella Whitehouse, 13, of Mexborough School, holds up her winning poem and certificate after winning the acrostic poem competition.
Mexborough Okulu Ella Whitehouse, 13, akrostiş şiir yarışmasını kazandıktan sonra onu kazanan şiiri ve sertifika alır.
Kaynak: southyorkshiretimes.co.uk
Now Mr Dunning, 50, has been replaced in the head's chair after governors were unimpressed by his efforts, which formed an acrostic, reports the Daily Telegraph.
Valiler bir akrostiş oluşan çabaları ile unimpressed sonra Şimdi Bay Dunning, 50, baş koltuğunda yerini almıştır, Daily Telegraph raporları.
Kaynak: dailymail.co.uk
The first letters of the first six words of the relevant sentence, which concerned Mr Clark's retirement as a teacher of French and English, contained an acrostic.
Fransızca ve İngilizce öğretmeni olarak Bay Clark emeklilik endişe ilgili cümle, ilk altı kelimelerin ilk harfleri bir akrostiş içeriyordu.
Kaynak: telegraph.co.uk
An acrostic (from French acrostiche Oxford English Dictionary , 3rd ed., s.v. acrostic; "The expected spelling of the English word, on the
Kaynak: Acrostic
An acrostic is a type of word puzzle, related somewhat to crossword puzzle s, that uses an acrostic form. It typically consists of two
Kaynak: Acrostic (puzzle)
A word square is a special type of acrostic . It consists of a set of words written out in a square grid, such that the same words can be
Kaynak: Word square
It is an acrostic poem, with each letter of the Hebrew alphabet beginning a verse in sequential order; the lone exception is waw , which
Kaynak: Psalm 34
An abecedarius is an acrostic in which the first letter of every word, strophe or verse follows the order of the alphabet.
Kaynak: Abecedarius
Most piyyutim are in Hebrew or Aramaic , and most follow some poetic scheme, such as an acrostic following the order of the Hebrew
Kaynak: Piyyut
A pruntiform is an acrostic poetic form in which the first word of each line of a poem (or stanza) corresponds sequentially to the words
Kaynak: Pruntiform
An Acrostic (1829): (An Acrostic. An unpublished 9-line poem written circa 1829 for Poe's cousin Elizabeth Rebecca Herring (the acrostic is
Kaynak: Poems by Edgar Allan Poe
the double-crostic, a form of acrostic puzzle that includes features of a crossword puzzle and eventually sold it to the Saturday Review .
Kaynak: Elizabeth Kingsley
Her devotions were sixty-seven prose prayers, one metrical prayer against vice, a long acrostic prayer on her daughter's name, and an
Kaynak: Frances Neville
The acrostic played an important part, in Syriac hymnody and its use, especially the alphabetic acrostic , seems to have been introduced
Kaynak: Syriac sacral music
The work commences with a long poem, an acrostic on the author's name. Then follows a preface in rimed prose. giving the acrostic of his
Kaynak: Israel Alnaqua
His authorship is shown by one acrostic in Le Pèlerinage de la Vie Humaine, two in Le Pèlerinage de l'Âme , and one in Le Pèlerinage de
Kaynak: Guillaume de Deguileville
Fames Roule is a collection of over four hundred acrostic verses, each one an anagram addressed to a noble person in the early Stuart
Kaynak: Mary Fage
The "Ẓiyyuni" is introduced by poems in alphabetic and acrostic order. The division Bereshit begins with a preface on the importance of
Kaynak: Menachem Zioni
He himself spelled his name "Josquin des Prez" in an acrostic in his motet Illibata Dei virgo nutrix He was the most famous European
Kaynak: Josquin des Prez
mock-epic The Hunting of the Snark (1876), and the book is dedicated to her, and opens with a poem that uses her name as a double acrostic
Kaynak: Gertrude Chataway

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