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aigrette ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

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"aigrette" için örnek kullanımlar

The term aigrette (ɛɡrɛt | pron; from the French for egret , or lesser white heron) refers to the tufted crest or head-plumes of the egret
Kaynak: Aigrette
The word "egret" comes from the French word "aigrette" that means both "silver heron" and "brush," referring to the long filamentous
Kaynak: Egret
Sarpech (Hindi :सरपेच Urdu :سرپیچ) also known as an aigrette is a turban ornament that was worn by significant Hindu and Muslim princes.
Kaynak: Sarpech
harvest their feather s, especially the more decorative plume s which were sold for use as ornamentation, such as aigrette s in millinery .
Kaynak: Plume hunting
thirty tiaras, and numerous aigrette s, a dozen bejewelled swords and shields, a vast number of unset precious gems, numerous plates and
Kaynak: Iranian Crown Jewels
Detachable accessories can also be included, aigrette s and lapel pins . One of the most favored forms of semiotic distinction is fashion ,
Kaynak: Fashion accessory
for military merit up to the 1820s It was a jewelled aigrette consisting of a central flower with leaves and buds, and upward-facing rays.
Kaynak: Chelengk
Upon completion of Leadership Academy, cadets are rewarded the silver aigrette which is the only aigrette nationally recognized by the
Kaynak: Cleveland Junior Naval Academy
Quatre lambrequins, deux d'or et deux d'argent, toque de velours noir, retroussée de contre-hermine, avec porte aigrette or et argent,
Kaynak: Louis Joseph Victor Jullien de Bidon

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