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buff ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

buff anlamı
1) devetüyü rengi
2) meraklı
3) ten rengi
4) öküz derisi
5) hasta
1) öküz derisinden yapılmış

"buff" için örnek kullanımlar

My favorite Buff basketball player of all time has to be Chauncey Billups.
Tüm zamanların Favori Buff basketbol oyuncusu Chauncey Billups olmak zorundadır.
Kaynak: cuindependent.com
New shot of a buff Hugh Jackman in 'The Wolverine' tweeted by director.
'Wolverine' bir tutkunu Hugh Jackman Yeni atış müdürü tweeted.
Kaynak: examiner.com
The Buff or Jersey Buff is a breed of domestic turkey named for its buff -colored plumage. History: original strain of Buff turkey was used in
Kaynak: Buff (turkey)
The European buff coat (so-called because of its yellowish color) was an item of leather clothing worn by both the infantry and cavalry
Kaynak: Buff coat
The buff ermine (Spilarctia luteum) is a moth of the family Arctiidae . It is sometimes placed in the genus Spilosoma . It is found
Kaynak: Buff Ermine

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