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devil-may-care ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

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"devil-may-care" için örnek kullanımlar

vivid fantasy life: in a few dozen paragraphs he imagines himself a wartime pilot, an emergency-room surgeon, and a devil-may-care killer.
Kaynak: Walter Mitty
He is depicted as a hedonistic, devil-may-care soldier who discovers hidden ideals and integrity within himself. The basis for this
Kaynak: Titus Pullo (Rome character)
A 1939 TIME magazine article describes her as "a spirited, devil-may-care rider who has been winning blue ribbon s on the horseshow
Kaynak: Liz Whitney Tippett
He was born with the name Theodore Brown, but acquired the nickname "Steve" for his devil-may-care personality, after Steve Brodie , a man
Kaynak: Steve Brown (bass player)
and Musical Life in Soviet Russia, 1972), commented on the Passacaglia's "lapidary grandeur" and the Burlesque's "devil-may-care abandonment".
Kaynak: Violin Concerto No. 1 (Shostakovich)
His attitude toward life is somewhat insouciant and devil-may-care; in the opening chapter of Jack Pumpkinhead he wonders idly if "the
Kaynak: Peter Brown (Oz)
as having droopy eyelids, a high forehead, an aquiline nose with a bridge bump, and a "disdainful, cynical, devil-may-care" eye expression.
Kaynak: George Ellsworth
Their publicity used to mention that "it's not so much the dazzling display of devil-may-care dexterity - it's more the complete clash of
Kaynak: Haggis and Charlie
they lack the "killer-instinct" and "devil-may-care" attitude of the Caucasian, as well as the "spider web economic mentality" of the Asian."
Kaynak: Capitalist Nigger
Adrian lives a lavish and privileged lifestyle, donning a 'devil-may-care' attitude. It has been hinted that his childhood and family
Kaynak: List of Vampire Academy characters
Right Honourable Sir Winston Churchill as well as "devil-may-care" characters portrayed in movies by actors like Humphrey Bogart and
Kaynak: List of bow tie wearers
fuller sound The new album avoided the "devil-may-care brashness" of the first two, instead presenting a tone balanced between youthful
Kaynak: Gary Allan

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