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fairness ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

fairness anlamı
1) adalet
2) dürüstlük
3) tarafsızlık
4) insaf
5) sarışınlık
6) açıklık
7) güzellik
8) beyaz tenlilik
9) içtenlik

"fairness" için örnek kullanımlar

Council members challenge fairness of late parking fees in neighborhoods.
Konsey üyeleri, mahallelerinde geç otopark ücretleri adalet meydan.
Kaynak: seattletimes.com
Education Wyrosdick cites budget fairness, school safety among priorities.
Eğitim Wyrosdick bütçe adalet, öncelikleri arasında okul güvenliği değinir.
Kaynak: navarrepress.com
Rural school ripoff?: State reps differ on fairness of funding formula.
Kırsal Okul ripoff:? Devlet temsilcileri finansman formülü adalet üzerine farklıdır.
Kaynak: tribune-democrat.com
Prosthetics fairness bill aims to provide advanced artificial limbs.
Protezler adalet tasarıyı gelişmiş yapay uzuvlar sağlamayı amaçlamaktadır.
Kaynak: wlky.com
Fairness or being fair may refer to: Justice Equity (law), a legal principle allowing for the use of discretion and fairness when applying
Kaynak: Fairness
of justice is a concept of moral rightness based on ethics , rationality , law , natural law , religion , equity or fairness date May 2012
Kaynak: Justice
ISARC's values include human dignity, social equity, mutual responsibility, fiscal fairness, economic equity and environmental
Kaynak: Social justice
Equity or Economic equality, is the concept or idea of fairness in economics , particularly in regard to taxation or welfare economics.
Kaynak: Equity (economics)
years after common law as a system to resolve disputes where damages are not a suitable remedy and to introduce fairness into the legal system.
Kaynak: Equity (law)
In the context of organizational justice , distributive justice is conceptualized as fairness associated with outcomes decisions and
Kaynak: Distributive justice
The decisions in the Talmud on entitlement when an estate is bankrupt reflect some quite complex ideas about fairness and most people
Kaynak: Fair division
Fairness: Discussion of unbounded nondeterminism tends to get involved with discussions of fairness. The basic concept is that all
Kaynak: Unbounded nondeterminism
The Fairness Foundation is a non-commercial limited company (GmbH ) which is striving to establish fairness in society, economy, politics
Kaynak: Fairness Foundation
A fairness opinion is a professional evaluation by an investment bank or other third party as to whether the terms of a merger ,
Kaynak: Fairness opinion
Rabin fairness is a fairness model invented by Matthew Rabin . to incorporate fairness Rabin's fairness model incorporates findings from
Kaynak: Rabin fairness
The "fairness test" was a concept of the Australia n Act of Parliament , the Workplace Relations Amendment (A Stronger Safety Net) Act 2007
Kaynak: Fairness test
The advantage with max-min fairness over FCFS is that it results in traffic shaping , meaning that an ill-behaved flow, consisting of
Kaynak: Max-min fairness

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