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far-out ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

far-out anlamı
1) harika
2) şahane
3) alâkasız
4) çılgınca
5) garip
6) makbul
7) geçerli

"far-out" için örnek kullanımlar

according to Rosenthal "Accepted science may merge into frontier science, which in turn may merge into more far-out ideas, or fringe science.
Kaynak: Fringe science
especially common in older suburb s, where people wish to have larger homes, and yet do not want to move to far-out exurb s or new developments.
Kaynak: Teardown (real estate)
style of hip hop characterized by complex sample-based beats (often obscure material) and witty, abstract lyrics filled with far-out references.
Kaynak: Psychedelic hip hop
physically realistic portrayal of a far-out technology, and sometimes it is simply a plot device that looks scientific, but has no basis in science.
Kaynak: Science in science fiction
physically realistic portrayal of a far-out technology, and sometimes it is simply a plot device that looks scientific, but has no basis in science.
Kaynak: Materials science in science fiction
"To enjoy Whiz Kids – and I think a lot of people will – viewers will have to suspend disbelief and buy the show's rather far-out premise. ...
Kaynak: Whiz Kids (TV series)
Other notable points that lie on the Euler line are the de Longchamps point , the Schiffler point , the Exeter point and the far-out point
Kaynak: Euler line
It is probably the most far-out Indianist composition ever written. Orem composed other works as well, including a piano quartet, a quintet,
Kaynak: Preston Ware Orem

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