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fetor ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

"fetor" için örnek kullanımlar

To me, it has just the right balance of savory goodness and aggressive fetor to make it controversial among those who've never tried it.
Benim için, hiç denemedim isteyenler arasında bu tartışmalı hale getirmek için sadece tuzlu iyilik sağ dengesi ve agresif fetor sahiptir.
Kaynak: chicagoreader.com
In medical contexts, fetor refers to an unpleasant odor emanating from an individual. Specific types include: fetor oris, another term for
Kaynak: Fetor
Uremic fetor is a urine-like odor on the breath of persons with uremia The odor occurs from the smell of ammonia , which is created in the
Kaynak: Uremic fetor
fetor | fœtor | BrE) | Middle English fetoure, from Latin fētor | fetus | fœtus | BrE) | Middle English fetus, from Latin fētus |
Kaynak: List of words that may be spelled with a ligature
A raja and fetor of each domain were appointed by the Dutch during colonial times. After independence Savu was split into two kecamatan ,
Kaynak: Savu people
General: spider angiomata , temporal wasting, fetor hepaticus , asterixis (flapping tremor) Hands: clubbing , thenar wasting,
Kaynak: Abdominal examination
F |! : fet- | stink | Latin | fetere | fetid, fetor | fic- | fig | Latin | ficus | Ficus | fid-, fis- | faith, trust | Latin | fides,
Kaynak: List of Greek and Latin roots in English

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