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harebrained ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

harebrained anlamı
1) kafasız
2) kuş beyinli
3) aptal

"harebrained" için örnek kullanımlar

My closest friends, upon hearing of his harebrained plan, took me to task.
Benim yakın arkadaşlarım, onun kafasız planın duyulması üzerine, görev götürdü.
Kaynak: blogcritics.org
The plots often involved harebrained schemes to make quick cash.
Araziler genellikle hızlı nakit yapmak için aptalca düzenleri dahil.
Kaynak: playbill.com
Puttan comes up with a harebrained idea to deal with the unending rise in household expenses.
Puttan ev giderleri bitmeyen artışı ile başa çıkmak için bir kafasız fikir gelir.
Kaynak: livemint.com
We can watch as Microsoft dismantles its own Windows monopoly, one harebrained step at a time.
Microsoft kendi Windows tekeli, bir defada bir kafasız adım sarsmıştır Biz izleyebilirsiniz.
Kaynak: infoworld.com
once joked that some critics still view him as "a harebrained, homegrown surrealist whose poetry defies even the rules and logic of Surrealism "
Kaynak: John Ashbery
A harebrained marquis, a knavish chevalier and a coquettish baroness, to whom Turcaret is attracted, are among the other highly comic
Kaynak: Turcaret
"seriously flawed" and "full of misinformation and harebrained explanations Chang's research on the book was credited with the finding of
Kaynak: The Rape of Nanking (book)
Under Davies's direction, the format of the series shifted from magazine show to drama, with plots frequently centring around harebrained
Kaynak: Why Don't You?
who espoused Thatcherite rhetoric while coming up with various harebrained schemes to make his businesses more efficient so he could
Kaynak: Brass (TV series)
Valerius, Amalric and Tarascus are second rate nobles who seek greater Earthly power, and hope the harebrained schemes of their "pet"
Kaynak: Xaltotun

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