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hominy ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

hominy anlamı
1) kaba mısır unu
2) mısır lâpası

"hominy" için örnek kullanımlar

This involves avoiding foods such as barley, wheat, triticale and rye, and instead eating foods such as beans, fruits, hominy and soy.
Bu tür arpa, buğday, tritikale ve çavdar gibi yiyeceklerden kaçınmak, bunun yerine fasulye, meyve, hominy ve soya gibi gıdalar yeme içerir.
Kaynak: empowher.com
The company says the Van Buren plant will continue to process hominy, refried beans and snacks and that a distribution center will remain operational in Van Buren.
Şirket Van Buren bitki hominy, refried fasulye ve aperatifler işlemeye devam ve bir dağıtım merkezi Van Buren operasyonel kalacağını söyledi.
Kaynak: katv.com
The menu includes French toast, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, potatoes, hominy, sausage gravy, chip beef, toast, fruit cup, orange juice, tea and coffee.
Menü Fransız tostu dahildir, yumurta, pastırma, sosis, krep, patates, hominy, sosis sos, çip sığır eti, kızarmış ekmek, meyve fincan, portakal suyu, çay ve kahve.
Kaynak: eveningsun.com
This year some of the most interesting soups were green soup with feta, sweet and sour cabbage roll, and pozole rojo, a traditional Mexican soup with hominy and pork.
Bu yıl en ilginç çorbalar bazı beyaz peynir, tatlı ve ekşi lahana rulo ve pozole rojo, hominy ve domuz eti ile geleneksel bir Meksika çorbası ile yeşil çorba vardı.
Kaynak: wellandtribune.ca
Hominy consists of dried maize kernels which have been treated with an alkali in a process called nixtamalization . To make hominy, field
Kaynak: Hominy
Modern grits are commonly made of alkali-treated corn known as hominy . Grits are similar to other thick maize-based porridge s from
Kaynak: Grits
employed using both traditional and industrial methods, in the production of tortilla s, tamale s, corn chip s, hominy and many other items.
Kaynak: Nixtamalization
Maize can also be prepared as hominy , in which the kernels are soaked with lye in a process called nixtamalization ; or grits , which are
Kaynak: Maize
In the Americas it is often short for masa de maíz, a maize (corn) dough made from freshly prepared hominy . It is used for making corn
Kaynak: Masa
The drink typically includes masa (corn hominy flour), water, piloncillo (unrefined cane sugar), cinnamon, vanilla and optional
Kaynak: Atole
Sagamité is a native-American stew made from hominy or Indian corn and grease (usually from animal fat). Additional ingredients may
Kaynak: Sagamite
These are separated by washing and flotation in water, and the now softened slightly swelled grains are called hominy . Hominy, posole in
Kaynak: Cornbread

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