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ideomotor ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

"ideomotor" için örnek kullanımlar

The word "ideomotor" is derived from the terms "ideo " (idea, or mental representation ) and "motor " (muscular action). "ideomotor effect
Kaynak: Ideomotor phenomenon
It is closely related to the ideomotor effect , whereby subtle movements made without conscious awareness reflect a physical movement,
Kaynak: Muscle reading
Illusions include vestibular illusions, vection, sea legs, the ideomotor effect, and alien hand syndrome. Vestibular illusions
Kaynak: Illusions of self-motion
Ideomotor principle: In line with the ideomotor theory of William James (1890) and Hermann Lotze (1852), the common coding theory posits
Kaynak: Common coding theory
Skeptics have also dismissed AK as "quackery," "magical thinking ," and a misinterpretation of the ideomotor effect It has also been
Kaynak: Applied kinesiology
planchette is moved by the presence of spirits or some form of subtle energy while skeptics allege the motion is due to the ideomotor effect
Kaynak: Planchette
a psychophysiological phenomenon known as the ideomotor effect Despite being repeatedly debunked by the efforts of the scientific
Kaynak: Ouija
Psychologist Daniel Wegner has argued that facilitated communication is a striking example of the ideomotor effect the well-known
Kaynak: Facilitated communication
The Magician Milbourne Christopher concluded that the phenomenon was due to ideomotor reaction. Christopher determined that Lady Wonder
Kaynak: Lady Wonder

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