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inferential ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

inferential anlamı
1) sonuç olarak çıkarılabilir
2) anlaşılan

"inferential" için örnek kullanımlar

The inferential mood (abbreviated infer or infr) is used to report a nonwitnessed event without confirming it, but the same forms also
Kaynak: Inferential mood
nonvisual sensory, inferential 1, inferential 2, inferential 3, reportative (e.g., Western Apache ) Evidential-marking & other categories
Kaynak: Evidentiality
the terms statistical inference, statistical induction and inferential statistics are used to describe systems of procedures that can be
Kaynak: Statistical inference
A simple non-inferential passage is a type of nonargument characterized by the lack of a claim that anything is being proved Simple non-
Kaynak: Simple non-inferential passage
Inferential theory of learning (ITL) is an area of machine learning which describes inferential processes performed by learning agents.
Kaynak: Inferential theory of learning
In statistics , Levene's test is an inferential statistic used to assess the equality of variance s in different samples. Some common
Kaynak: Levene's test
"Pseudoreplication is defined as the use of inferential statistics to test for treatment effects with data from experiments where either
Kaynak: Pseudoreplication
A loosely associated statement is a type of simple non-inferential passage wherein statements about a general subject are juxtaposed but
Kaynak: Loosely associated statements
Trairūpya (Sanskrit; English: "the triple-character of inferential sign") is a conceptual tool of Buddhist logic . The Trairūpya, ‘three
Kaynak: Trairūpya
Virtual sensing techniques also called soft sensing proxy sensing, inferential sensing, or surrogate sensing, are used to provide feasible
Kaynak: Virtual sensing
Clint J. Ballinger is an American social scientist who writes about the misapplication of inferential statistics in the social sciences
Kaynak: Clint Ballinger
inversive inferential II | Conditional of aoristic inferential II | inferential optative | inferential of the past of future II |
Kaynak: Laz grammar
collection of data Descriptive statistics are distinguished from inferential statistics (or inductive statistics ), in that descriptive
Kaynak: Descriptive statistics
There are also three compound tenses – past future inferential, past future perfect inferential and past perfect inferential.
Kaynak: Bulgarian language

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