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inosculate ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

inosculate anlamı
1) birleştirmek
2) katmak
3) birleşmek

"inosculate" için örnek kullanımlar

Trees exhibiting this behavior are called inosculate trees. The earliest known surviving examples of intentionally shaped trees are the
Kaynak: Tree shaping
The trunks of inosculate, or self-grafting, trees, such as Elm, Live Oak, and Dogwood, are the load-bearing structure, and the branches
Kaynak: Fab Tree Hab
Eiseley argued that Blyth's influence on Darwin "begins to be discernible in the Darwin Note-book of 1836 with the curious word 'inosculate'.
Kaynak: Edward Blyth
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