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intermarry ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

intermarry anlamı
1) akraba ile evlenmek
2) yabancı ile evlenmek

"intermarry" için örnek kullanımlar

Because almost all of the Chinese indentured immigrants were men, they tended to intermarry with both East Indians and Africans, and thus
Kaynak: Miscegenation
term Black Carib and Garifuna to distinguish them from Yellow and Red Carib, the Amerindian population that did not intermarry with Africans.
Kaynak: Garifuna people
as politically disadvantageous for members of ruling families to intermarry with their subjects. Queens consort selected from noble or
Kaynak: Royal intermarriage
"If the blacks did not intermarry with the whites, they would remain black until the end of time; for it was not contended that liberating
Kaynak: William Loughton Smith
In Belgaum district they are divided into Mith (Salt) and Chuna (Lime) Lonaris who eat together but do not intermarry. but do not intermarry.
Kaynak: Lonari
actual Vellalar caste is made of different sub castes which do not intermarry; many of these sub castes have nothing to do with the original
Kaynak: Vellalar

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