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intonate ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

intonate anlamı
1) makamlı okumak
2) monoton bir sesle söylemek

"intonate" için örnek kullanımlar

This system can assist the player to intonate the guitar when the unit is put into "intonation" mode, displaying how much adjustment the
Kaynak: Electronic tuner
Without the support of a choir or organ (both forbidden) the precentor had to teach and intonate the songs. Soon the quality of the
Kaynak: Genevan psalter
better string path stability and ability to intonate; and, better sustain due to a more direct resonance of the guitar's tonewood excited
Kaynak: Stoptail bridge
But on the fretless oud it is very difficult to intonate them correctly. Influences and reception Relevance for Arabian music
Kaynak: Munir Bashir

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