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irreligious ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

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"irreligious" için örnek kullanımlar

Irreligion (adjective form: nonreligious or irreligious) is the absence of religion , an indifference towards religion, a rejection of
Kaynak: Irreligion
The true opposite of "religious" is the word "irreligious". Irreligion describes an absence of any religion; antireligion describes an
Kaynak: Religion
Sweden is one of the world's most secular and irreligious nations partly because many Swedish people define themselves as irreligious
Kaynak: Irreligion in Sweden
Cultural Muslims are secular, religiously unobservant or irreligious individuals who still identify with Muslim culture due to family
Kaynak: Cultural Muslim
Irreligion in the Czech Republic notes that over 60% of Czech citizens can identified as irreligious It is estimated that by 2050,
Kaynak: Irreligion in the Czech Republic
The Norwegian Heathen Society (Det norske Hedningsamfunn or Hedningsamfunnet for short) is a non-partisan irreligious society that was
Kaynak: Norwegian Heathen Society
At present over 40% of Dutch citizens are identified as irreligious. References: Irreligion in. Category:Religion in the Netherlands Category:
Kaynak: Irreligion in the Netherlands
Non-Prophet Week is the annual charity week for the irreligious in the United Kingdom , and is coordinated by The AHS . During the week
Kaynak: Non-Prophet Week
Indonesian Atheists (IA) is a community that accommodates atheist s, agnostic s, and irreligious in Indonesia The community provides a
Kaynak: Indonesian Atheists
According to the 2011 Irish Census, 6% of Irish citizens are irreligious Ireland has been traditionally devoutly Catholic throughout most of
Kaynak: Irreligion in the Republic of Ireland
Norway is one the world's most secular and irreligious nations The country no longer has a state religion. References: Irreligion in
Kaynak: Irreligion in Norway
The first British census to gather data on religion, in 2001 , showed that there were 7.7 million irreligious people in the country.
Kaynak: Irreligion in the United Kingdom
People who self-identify as atheists are often assumed to be irreligious , but some sects within major religions reject the existence of a
Kaynak: Atheism

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