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irritant ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

irritant anlamı
1) tahriş edici
2) rahatsız edici
3) sinirlendirici
4) sinirlendiren
5) kızdırıcı
1) tahriş edici madde
2) sinirlendirici şey
3) kışkırtıcı

"irritant" için örnek kullanımlar

This is because of that increasingly prevalent tennis irritant, the grunter.
Bu çünkü giderek yaygın tenis irritan, domuz biridir.
Kaynak: dailymail.co.uk
However, Ms. Hunt also found out the victim had recently inhaled an irritant.
Ancak, Bayan Hunt ayrıca kurbanın son zamanlarda bir tahriş edici teneffüs öğrendim.
Kaynak: entertainment.gather.com
The humble midge is usually seen as an irritant rather than a threat.
Mütevazı tatarcık genellikle oldukça bir tehdit daha bir tahriş edici olarak görülüyor.
Kaynak: shropshirestar.com
They all decrease the reaction of the immune system to any irritant.
Hepsi herhangi bir tahriş için bağışıklık sistemi reaksiyonu azaltır.
Kaynak: thenelsondaily.com
A stimulus or agent which induces the state of irritation is an irritant. Irritant s are typically thought of as chemical agents (for
Kaynak: Irritation
dermatitis ) or irritants (irritant contact dermatitis ). Phototoxic dermatitis occurs when the allergen or irritant is activated by sunlight.
Kaynak: Contact dermatitis
A gadfly is a person who upsets the status quo by posing upsetting or novel questions, or just being an irritant. The term "gadfly
Kaynak: Social gadfly
It is an irritant , as are all barium compounds. If consumed, barium chlorate can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. It is used in
Kaynak: Barium chlorate
Podoconiosis is a disease of the lymph vessels of the lower extremities that is caused by chronic exposure to irritant soils.
Kaynak: Podoconiosis
NOTOC_Lepidopterism is an irritant contact dermatitis caused by irritating caterpillar or moth hairs coming into contact with the skin
Kaynak: Lepidopterism
Bristleworm stings are a cutaneous condition caused by contact with bristleworm s, in which an allergic or irritant reaction may result 431
Kaynak: Bristleworm sting
Ant s are capable of biting, stinging and spraying irritant chemicals. Most have only a mild effect on humans however a few can cause
Kaynak: Ants of medical importance
Tulip fingers are a cutaneous condition , a combined allergic and irritant contact dermatitis caused by contact with tulip bulb s
Kaynak: Tulip fingers

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