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irruption ne demek?

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"irruption" için örnek kullanımlar

Wherefore the sudden irruption by a black dog?
Siyah bir köpek tarafından Çün ani baskın?
Kaynak: ft.com
An irruption simply means that these birds are visiting us in large numbers, whereas in other years we won't see them at all.
Bir istila basitçe diğer yıllarda biz onları görmez, oysa bu kuşlar, çok sayıda Bizi ziyaret ettiğiniz anlamına gelir.
Kaynak: sentinelsource.com
Le directeur du journal la Repubblica, Ezio Mauro, a salué "l'irruption de la modernité" dans une Eglise vieille de 2.000 ans.
Le directeur du dergi la Repubblica, Ezio Mauro, bir salué "l 'istila de la modernité" dans une Eglise vieille de 2.000 ans.
Kaynak: france24.com
Data collected as part of the bird count will allow scientists to recognize the extent of this massive migration, known as an irruption.
Kuş sayımı parçası olarak toplanan veriler bilim adamları bir istila olarak bilinen bu büyük göçün ölçüde tanımasını sağlayacak.
Kaynak: eveningsun.com
It is a rare visitor to western Europe, usually arriving with an irruption of Red Crossbill s. The crossbills are characterised by the
Kaynak: Two-barred Crossbill
and not just a local dispersal or irruption, the movement of the animals should be an annual or seasonal occurrence, such as birds
Kaynak: Animal migration
as far south as the upper Midwest and New England in the United States , but sometimes even further south, especially during an irruption .
Kaynak: Pine Grosbeak
An early 20th century critic suggested that these poems resume historical traditions going back to the Vandal irruption of 408 and the
Kaynak: Garin le Loherain
(also known as Aplonay) (453-520), born in Vienne , France , was bishop of Valence , France, at the time of the irruption of the barbarians .
Kaynak: Apollinaris of Valence
Breeding and irruption : The Red Crossbill breeds in the spruce forests of North America , as well as Europe and Asia , where it is known
Kaynak: Red Crossbill
The third creation for Piers Butler (in 1538) merely recognised the reality of the situation prior to the Boleyn irruption. The fifth earl
Kaynak: Earl of Ormond (Ireland)
Black-backed Woodpecker are generally non-migratory but historically have undertaken intermittent irruption s. Nest excavation occurs in
Kaynak: Black-backed Woodpecker
After irruption of Mongols since the second half of the 13th century, dukes of Ksani were the Bibiluri family. In the 14th century
Kaynak: Duchy of Ksani

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