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itinerate ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

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"itinerate" için örnek kullanımlar

Just as all United Methodist clergy itinerate within the Annual Conference of which they are members, once elected Bishops itinerate
Kaynak: United Methodist Council of Bishops
Differences : Itinerate Ministry. Point three of the Protest regards the itinerate ministry conducted by many New Side ministers.
Kaynak: The Old Side–New Side Controversy
There, they and began to itinerate and preach their beliefs among the Japanese populace. The Holiness movement they represented was born
Kaynak: Taiwan Holiness Church
In general, it seemed that wandering or "itinerate" Gypsies (vagabundierende Zigeuner) were targeted, as opposed to the non-wandering, or
Kaynak: Liepāja massacres
In general, it seemed that wandering or "itinerate" Gypsies (vagabundierende Zigeuner) were targeted, as opposed to the non-wandering, or
Kaynak: The Holocaust in Latvia
As Likay troupes are itinerate and have no fixed venue, the make-shift stage and repertoire mostly does not offer more than a bench (tiang
Kaynak: Likay
There is a 600,000-square-foot ramp with convenient business aircraft parking, 24,000 square feet of itinerate hangar space and full-
Kaynak: Page Field
Gilbert's play is based on the stories and experiences of itinerate workers and it deals with, as Gilbert puts it in an introduction to
Kaynak: Kevin Gilbert (author)
He was known as being one of the first American "itinerate" preachers. Around the same time, a log structure was built on the site.
Kaynak: Thomas Run Church
By 1737 Tennent and his supporters had begun to itinerate throughout several presbyteries, and wherever they went, division and disorder
Kaynak: Gilbert Tennent

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