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knacker ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

knacker anlamı
1) yıkmacı
2) sakatat alıp hayvan maması yapan kasap
3) eski evleri malzemesi için alan kimse

"knacker" için örnek kullanımlar

A knacker is a person in the trade of rendering animals that have died on farms or are unfit for human consumption, such as horses that
Kaynak: Knacker
Grasel was born into poor family of a knacker . Both his father and his mother helped themselves by stealing, occasionally ending in
Kaynak: Johann Georg Grasel
When he collapses from overwork, the pigs say they have sent him to a veterinarian , when they sent him to the knacker 's yard to be
Kaynak: Boxer (Animal Farm)
Horses and cattle had to be delivered to the knacker's yard; other livestock had to be fetched by the knacker. In 1897, a day's wages (not
Kaynak: Schornsheim
title No wonder we can't even topple a tin-pot gangster like Gaddafi: Invincible, pride of the Falklands, is broken up in knacker's yard |
Kaynak: HMS Invincible (R05)
knacker's yard : premises where superannuated livestock are sent for rendering, etc. (glue factory). Sometimes refers to the same for
Kaynak: List of British words not widely used in the United States

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