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labor-intensive ne demek?

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labor-intensive anlamı
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"labor-intensive" için örnek kullanımlar

Aboiteau farming on reclaimed marshland is a labor-intensive method in which earthen dyke s are constructed to stop high tides from
Kaynak: Aboiteau
"A capital-abundant country will export the capital-intensive good, while the labor-abundant country will export the labor-intensive good."
Kaynak: Heckscher–Ohlin theorem
Taiwan specialized in high-value services and technology-intensive production and while the PRC took on the more labor-intensive manufacturing.
Kaynak: China Circle
Other than the agricultural-intensive economies and labor-intensive economies, the global economy is in transition to a "knowledge economy
Kaynak: Knowledge economy
decentralized , labor-intensive , energy-efficient, environmentally sound , and locally controlled Both Schumacher and many modern-day
Kaynak: Appropriate technology
Linen is labor-intensive to manufacture, but when it is made into garments, it is valued for its exceptional coolness and freshness in hot
Kaynak: Linen
fabrics that cannot withstand the rough and tumble of a washing machine and clothes dryer ; it can also obviate labor-intensive hand washing.
Kaynak: Dry cleaning
Subsistence agriculture — agricultural cultivation involving continuous use of arable (crop) land , and is more labor-intensive than
Kaynak: List of subsistence techniques
capital -intensive production, and the rest of the world focuses on low-skill, labor-intensive production and extraction of raw materials.
Kaynak: World-systems theory
However, the labor-intensive and occasional nature of mountain rescue, along with the specific techniques and local knowledge required for
Kaynak: Mountain rescue
Capital intensive industry replaced labor-intensive production, which relied on the hiring of more workers. The distribution and
Kaynak: Capital intensive industry
Despite the very labor-intensive and time-consuming nature of his specialty, Finlay created more than 2600 works of graphic art in his 35-
Kaynak: Virgil Finlay
Due to a number of factors, Bangladesh's labor-intensive agriculture has achieved steady increases in food grain production despite the
Kaynak: Agriculture in Bangladesh
Founded in 1973, ITRI has played a vital role in transforming Taiwan's economy from a labor-intensive industry to a high-tech industry.
Kaynak: Industrial Technology Research Institute
individual cast metal sorts of type into lines with leading and furniture tightly bound into a page forme was labor-intensive and costly.
Kaynak: Stereotype (printing)
Perming the hair was time and labor-intensive and expensive to maintain. The harsh mix of chemicals required for the process caused the
Kaynak: Jheri curl
The labor-intensive process depended on slave labor to crush and burn the oyster shells to supply lime. They were combined with sand and
Kaynak: Tabby (cement)
Other ground stone tools include adze s, celts , and axe s, which are manufactured using a labor-intensive, time-consuming method of
Kaynak: Ground stone

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