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leviable ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

leviable anlamı
1) tahsil edilebilir

"leviable" için örnek kullanımlar

Coal is leviable to central excise duty since March 2011.
Kömür Mart 2011 tarihinden itibaren Merkez ÖTV'ye tahsil edilebilir olduğunu.
Kaynak: economictimes.indiatimes.com
However, to evade payment of sales tax leviable on the sales to unregistered persons supplies were deliberately declared to Fateh Textile Mills, which they denied.
Ancak, kayıt dışı kişilere malzemeleri için satış satış vergisi tahsil edilebilir ödeme kaçınmak için kasıtlı olarak inkar Fetih Tekstil Fabrikaları, ilan edildi.
Kaynak: thenews.com.pk
cover, or significant wildlife, to regulate movement and transit of forest produce , and duty leviable on timber and other forest produce.
Kaynak: Indian Forest Act, 1927
In essence, privatization of tax collection commenced when governments moved from official assessment of leviable amount of duties and
Kaynak: Privatized tax collection
(1) or under any other law for the time being in force; and(b) be leviable on and from the day specified in the notification issued under
Kaynak: List of tariffs in Pakistan
The goal is that an enterprise should spend 2% of the leviable amount as defined by the skills development levies act of 1999.
Kaynak: Qualifying Small Enterprises
nation Customs is obliged to accept the report of the agency for the purpose of assessment of leviable duties and taxes at the port of entry.
Kaynak: Customs
The local governments should, simultaneously, determine, the procedure of providing service, the quality and the fee leviable for the
Kaynak: Citizens Charter in Local Governments in Kerala
"The interest in this case was neither payable nor paid in 1871, and, as the tax is not leviable or collectible until the interest is
Kaynak: United States v. Indianapolis & St. Louis Railroad Company
Taxes on advertisements other than advertisements published in news-papers leviable by Municipalities and Municipal Corporations.
Kaynak: Department of Municipal Administration and Water Supply (Tamil Nadu)
Tariff, which is actually a list of commodities along with the leviable rate (amount) of Customs duty, is popularly understood as Customs
Kaynak: Duty (economics)
Tax farming is an old means of collection of revenue when it is difficult to determine the leviable amount taxes with certainty.
Kaynak: Tax evasion
customs, produce evidence that such goods have been exported or re-exported and shall pay the customs duty leviable on any part of such goods
Kaynak: Re Fong Thin Choo
duty in respect of property other than agricultural land, levied by the Government of India in the States within which such duty is leviable.
Kaynak: Finance Commission of India
Relation to replevin : Distress was also leviable as damage feasant . When animals strayed and did damage to a neighbor, they could be
Kaynak: Detinue
In this year (1836) the customs leviable on the military road from Vengurla to the Ram pass were transferred to the British, and two years
Kaynak: Sawantvadi
from the Duties leviable under Two Acts passed in the Forty-sixth and Fifty-fourth Years of His late Majesty's Reign, relating to the
Kaynak: List of Acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, 1820–1839

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