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moat ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

moat anlamı
1) hendek
2) kale hendeği
1) kale hendeği ile kuşatmak

"moat" için örnek kullanımlar

For instance, Princess Winnifred actually swam the moat to reach Prince Dauntless the Drab.
Örneğin, Prenses Winnifred aslında Prens Dauntless Drab ulaşmak için hendek yüzdü.
Kaynak: denpubs.com
During most of the year the water acts like a moat and keeps predators away…until it freezes.
Yılın en boyunca su hendeği gibi davranır ve yırtıcıları uzak tutar ... donuyor kadar.
Kaynak: beatricedailysun.com
Generally, the larger the company, the greater the moat it has to block initiatives like Icahn's.
Genellikle, büyük şirket, büyük o Icahn sitesi gibi girişimleri engellemek için vardır hendek.
Kaynak: 247wallst.com
Again due to their large moat and pricing power they generate incredible cash flow and dividends.
Yine onlar inanılmaz nakit akışı ve kar üretmek onların büyük hendek ve fiyatlandırma gücü nedeniyle.
Kaynak: seekingalpha.com
A moat is a deep, broad ditch, either dry or filled with water, that surrounds a castle , other building or town, historically to provide
Kaynak: Moat
When filled with water, such a defensive ditch is called a moat . Later star fort s designed by military engineers like Vauban , comprised
Kaynak: Ditch (fortification)
In number theory , the Gaussian moat problem asks whether it is possible to find an infinite sequence of distinct Gaussian prime numbers
Kaynak: Gaussian moat
A moat is a type of fortification. Moat may also refer to: Moat of a cyclone; see Eye (cyclone)Moats Raoul Moat (1973–2010), perpetrator of
Kaynak: Moat (disambiguation)

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