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mobility ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

mobility anlamı
1) hareketlilik
2) değişkenlik
3) akışkanlık

"mobility" için örnek kullanımlar

Cords can be unsightly and substantially hinder portable device mobility.
Kordonlar çirkin olabilir ve büyük ölçüde taşınabilir aygıt mobilite engelleyebilir.
Kaynak: macnewsworld.com
"The rise of mobility has meant there are six billion mobile subscribers," he said.
"Hareketlilik yükselişi altı milyar cep telefonu abonesi var anlamına gelmiştir" dedi.
Kaynak: news.idg.no
This is often due to visa shortages, long waits for green cards,and lack of mobility.
Bu genellikle vize sıkıntısı nedeniyle, uzun yeşil kart, ve hareketlilik eksikliği bekler.
Kaynak: webpronews.com
But the knee appears to have stolen a tad of his mobility and he seems at times to favor it.
Ama diz onun hareketlilik biraz çalıntı gibi görünüyor ve o iyilik zamanlarda görünüyor.
Kaynak: latimes.com
Mobility may refer to: Education : Academic mobility , students and teachers in higher education studying or teaching elsewhere for a limited
Kaynak: Mobility
Social mobility is the movement of individuals or groups in social standing social position It may refer to classes , ethnic groups , or
Kaynak: Social mobility
In solid-state physics , the electron mobility characterizes how quickly an electron can move through a metal or semiconductor , when
Kaynak: Electron mobility
A tank is a tracked , armoured fighting vehicle designed for front-line combat which combines operational mobility and tactical
Kaynak: Tank
A mobility aid is a device designed to assist walking or otherwise improve the mobility of people with a mobility impairment.
Kaynak: Mobility aid
Population mobility, geographic mobility or more simply mobility is a statistic that measures migration within a population.
Kaynak: Population mobility
Economic mobility is the ability of an individual, family or some other group to improve (or lower) their economic status—usually measured
Kaynak: Economic mobility
However, other uses exist, such as the strategic and tactical relocation of armed force s during warfare , or the civilian mobility
Kaynak: Transport
advanced pawn may be weak if it is overextended , lacking support and difficult to defend, or strong if it cramps the enemy by limiting mobility .
Kaynak: Glossary of chess
Labor mobility or worker mobility is the geographical and occupational movement of workers Worker mobility is best gauged by the lack of
Kaynak: Labor mobility
Electrical mobility is the ability of charged particles (such as electron s or proton s) to move through a medium in response to an
Kaynak: Electrical mobility
the velocity of a dispersed particle v is simply proportional to the applied field, which leaves the electrophoretic mobility μ e defined as:
Kaynak: Electrophoresis

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