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monastic ne demek?

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monastic anlamı
1) keşiş
1) manastıra ait
2) manastırda yaşayan

"monastic" için örnek kullanımlar

He likes to lie low, studying the tunes in monastic contemplation, as it were.
O olduğu gibi, manastır tefekkür ezgileri okuyan, düşük uzanmaktan hoşlanır.
Kaynak: twincities.com
The film's austerity and slowness, he says, simply reflect the monastic setting.
Filmin kemer sıkma ve yavaşlık, diyor, sadece manastır ayarını yansıtacak.
Kaynak: timeoutchicago.com
Following content that you have the unit tests monastic retreat.
Eğer birim var o içerik takiben manastır çekilmek sınar.
Kaynak: seekingalpha.com
Rather than be dissuaded by danger, Krohn is drawn to the monastic focus required to manage it.
Aksine tehlike ile caydırılamamıştır daha Krohn onu yönetmek için gerekli manastır odak çekilmektedir.
Kaynak: bloomberg.com
Males pursuing a monastic life are generally called monk s while female monastics are called nuns . The way of addressing monastics
Kaynak: Monasticism
Rule of Saint Augustine ) and, in modern times, the Canon law of the respective Christian denomination s that have forms of monastic living.
Kaynak: Christian monasticism
A Bhikkhu (Pāli ) or Bhikṣu (Sanskrit ) is an ordained male Buddhist monastic A female monastic is called a Bhikkhuni (Skt: Bhikṣuṇī)
Kaynak: Bhikkhu
determining the dating of Easter , a style of monastic tonsure , a unique system of penance , and the popularity of going into "exile for Christ".
Kaynak: Celtic Christianity
intentionally slow, as the monastic vows taken are considered to entail a lifelong commitment to God , and are not to be entered into lightly.
Kaynak: Degrees of Eastern Orthodox monasticism
In the early decades of Buddhism the wandering monks of the Sangha , dedicated to asceticism and the monastic life, had no fixed abode .
Kaynak: Vihara
and it is not unusual for lamas to wear robes closely resembling monastic garb despite the fact that they are not bhikṣus Sakya school
Kaynak: Buddhist monasticism
A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin, has many traits resembling Lindisfarne, including tidal based access and a monastic community.
Kaynak: Lindisfarne
A new Benedictine monastery was built and endowed on the site by Athelwold , Bishop of Winchester , in 970, in a wave of monastic
Kaynak: Ely Cathedral
introduced the monastic rule of Fleury to Worcester The Benedictine monks were driven out at 18 January 1540 and replaced by secular canons.
Kaynak: Worcester Cathedral
Gundulf's church: Ernulf's monastic buildings were also damaged. Medieval remodelling : the east end and the replacement on the monastic buildings.
Kaynak: Rochester Cathedral
bishop in 781. William of Malmesbury tells that Offa rebuilt the monastic church, which may have occupied the site of an earlier pagan
Kaynak: Bath Abbey
The monastic community was founded by Saint David , Abbot of Menevia, who died in 589. summoned help from the monastic community at St
Kaynak: St David's Cathedral
An account by Goscelin of a miracle in the mid-11th century at the abbey for the benefit of the colourful monastic goldsmith Spearhafoc
Kaynak: St Augustine's Abbey
this order, Carlisle is one of only four Augustinian churches in England to become a Cathedral, most monastic cathedrals being Benedictine.
Kaynak: Carlisle Cathedral

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