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paraphasia ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

"paraphasia" için örnek kullanımlar

The medical condition verbal paraphasia , an aspect of aphasia, where the patient speaks a word different from the one they intended to say
Kaynak: Paranomia
Patients with TSA exhibit poor comprehension and naming, have fluent spontaneous speech and exhibit paraphasia . In all of these ways,
Kaynak: Transcortical sensory aphasia
Speech is easy and fluent, but there are difficulties related to the output of language as well, such as paraphasia . Examples of fluent
Kaynak: Aphasia
Paragrammatism is sometimes called "extended paraphasia," although it is different from paraphasia . Paragrammatism is roughly synonymous
Kaynak: Paragrammatism
Substitutions of one word for another (paraphasia s, e.g. “ telephone” for “television”) are common. Comprehension and repetition are poor.
Kaynak: Receptive aphasia
Three types of dream speech were considered by Kraepelin: disorders of word-selection (also called paraphasia s), disorders of discourse
Kaynak: Dream speech
hysteria and hypnotism (1891), amnesic aphasia (1897), paraphasia (1898) and physical signs associated with pleural effusion s (1902).
Kaynak: Albert Pitres
Phonemic paraphasia  – Mispronunciation; syllables out of sequence. e.g. " "I slipped on the lice and broke my arm." Pressure of speech
Kaynak: Thought disorder
Phonemic paraphasia (sound errors in speech e.g. ' gat' for 'cat') Agrammatism (using the wrong tense or word order) As the disease
Kaynak: Progressive nonfluent aphasia
Similar to hearing patients' “slips of the tongue” after LHD, deaf LHD patients experienced paraphasia s, or “slips of the hand.”
Kaynak: Sign language in the brain
Robb indicates that Balzac may have suffered from paraphasia . Robb, p. 213. Bertault, p. 73. Maurois, pp. 199–200; Balzac, p. 151; Hunt, p.
Kaynak: Louis Lambert (novel)
P : paraphasia pararenal parasagittal parasternal parasympathetic paraterminal gyrus parathyroid glands paraventricular nucleus
Kaynak: Index of anatomy articles
difficulties become evident due to an inability to recall vocabulary , which leads to frequent incorrect word substitutions (paraphasia s).
Kaynak: Alzheimer's disease

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