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plowshare ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

plowshare anlamı
1) saban demiri
2) pulluk demiri

"plowshare" için örnek kullanımlar

In agriculture , a plowshare (or ploughshare) is a component of a plow (plough ). It is the cutting or leading edge of a moldboard which
Kaynak: Plowshare
A ploughshare or plowshare is a component of a plough or plow. Ploughshare or Plowshare may also refer to: Operation Plowshare , United
Kaynak: Ploughshare (disambiguation)
Grammichele (Grammicheli, Greek: Echetle (meaning "plowshare"); Latin: Echetla, Ochula; Medieval: Occhiolà) is a town and comune in the
Kaynak: Grammichele
The Carruca was a heavy, wheeled plow with an iron plowshare which came into widespread use by the tenth century. It was used to turn
Kaynak: Carruca

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