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prestige ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

prestige anlamı
1) prestij
2) itibar
3) saygınlık
4) ün
5) nüfuz

"prestige" için örnek kullanımlar

The state and federal designation provides prestige and federal tax credits.
Eyalet ve federal atama prestij ve federal vergi kredileri sağlar.
Kaynak: newsnet5.com
MOCA would be lending its prestige to the National Gallery, not the other way around.
MOCA Ulusal Galeri değil, çevresindeki diğer yolu prestij ödünç olacaktır.
Kaynak: latimes.com
What I'm saying is that it does not deserve such prestige.
Demek istediğim bu tür prestij hak etmiyor olmasıdır.
Kaynak: umassmedia.com
After the fire, India Street never regained its prestige.
Yangından sonra, Hindistan Street prestijini asla geri kazanamadılar.
Kaynak: menafn.com
In sociolinguistics , prestige describes the level of respect accorded to a language or dialect as compared to that of other languages or
Kaynak: Prestige (sociolinguistics)
In sociology or anthropology , social status is the honor or wikt:prestige | prestige attached to one's position in society (one's
Kaynak: Social status
Many wealthy families lacked prestige and power, for example, because they were Jewish . Weber introduced three independent factors that
Kaynak: Social class
innovative modern, or features that convey an image, brand, status , or prestige, or any other 'discretionary' feature or combination of them.
Kaynak: Luxury vehicle
Occupational prestige (also known as job prestige) is a way for sociologists to describe the relative social class positions people have.
Kaynak: Occupational prestige
dignity to others, rather than inferior or superior, while accepting differences in certain talents, personal prestige or financial standing.
Kaynak: Self-esteem
This is a list of prestige class es in the 3rd edition of the Dungeons and Dragons role-playing game . This list includes content for
Kaynak: List of prestige classes

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