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purulence ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

purulence anlamı
1) irin
2) cerahat toplama
3) irinlenme
4) iltihap

"purulence" için örnek kullanımlar

been shown to be effective if all three of the following symptoms are present:- increased dyspnoea , increased sputum volume and purulence .
Kaynak: Lower respiratory tract infection
Sulfur granules form in a central purulence surrounded by neutrophils. This conglomeration of organisms is virtually diagnostic of
Kaynak: Actinomyces israelii
"Purulency" is a rare form of "purulence," which means "the condition of containing or discharging pus," according to Wiktionary.
Kaynak: Cenotaph (band)
There may be enough pus that it drains to the outside of the ear (otorrhea), or the purulence may be minimal enough to only be seen on
Kaynak: Otitis media
In 1941 he wrote of "Jewish purulence" abetted by Freemason "conspiracies", and in 1941 he accused Jewish immigrants of having undermined
Kaynak: Robert Soucy
(including cough, phlegm, and dyspnea), reduced lung function (FEV sub 1/sub and peak flow rate), and increased sputum production and purulence.
Kaynak: Air pollution
Nouns and adjectives: pus | pur- | pus | purulence, purulent | quadrini | quadrin- | four each | quadrin | quadrum | quadr- | square |
Kaynak: List of Latin words with English derivatives

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