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resurgence ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

resurgence anlamı
1) canlanma
2) yeniden dirilme
3) güçlenme

"resurgence" için örnek kullanımlar

Jiri Tlusty has helped lead a Carolina resurgence that few have expected.
Jiri Tlusty birkaç beklenen bir Carolina canlanma yol sağladı.
Kaynak: thehockeywriters.com
The city, the province and the media were ripe for a Raptors resurgence.
Şehir, il ve medya Raptors diriliş için olgunlaşmış oldu.
Kaynak: rantsports.com
Look for Tennessee to continue it's resurgence with at least a 5 point win here.
En az 5 puanlık burada kazanmak ile yükselişini devam Tennessee arayın.
Kaynak: pregame.com
A spring—also known as a rising or resurgence—is a component of the hydrosphere . Specifically, it is any natural situation where water
Kaynak: Spring (hydrology)
2008 and 2009, there was a worldwide resurgence of interest in Keynesian economics among prominent economists and policy makers.
Kaynak: 2008–09 Keynesian resurgence
From a Western perspective, two of the most important events that inspired the resurgence were the Arab oil embargo and subsequent
Kaynak: Islamic revival
Java , Sumatra , Kalimantan , and Sulawesi . Bali nese Hinduism, known as Agama Hindu Dharma , has witnessed great resurgence in recent years.
Kaynak: Hindu reform movements
For the Gaelic resurgence to overthrow English supremacy in the 14th-16th century, see: Gaelic resurgence . The Gaelic revival (an
Kaynak: Gaelic revival

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