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skull ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

skull anlamı
1) kafatası
2) kurukafa

"skull" için örnek kullanımlar

Sydney Ramsey's golf cart accident two months ago fractured her skull.
Sidney Ramsey golf arabası kazasında iki ay önce onu kafatası çatladı.
Kaynak: nbc-2.com
His DJ booth was actually a giant silver skull, with ominously glowing red eyes.
Onun DJ kabini uğursuzca kırmızı gözleri parlayan ile, aslında dev bir gümüş kafatası oldu.
Kaynak: billboard.com
There's the giant fake skull and mummy recovered by police from a stolen vehicle.
Bir çalıntı araç polis tarafından kurtarılan dev sahte kafatası ve mumya var.
Kaynak: thenownews.com
Blood gushes from the wounds of Christ on the Cross, sometimes pooling around a skull.
Kan bazen bir kafatası çevresindeki havuzu, Haç üzerinde Mesih'in yaralarını saçar.
Kaynak: theglobeandmail.com
The skull is a bony structure in the head of many animal s that supports the structures of the face and forms a cavity for the brain.
Kaynak: Skull
The human skull is a bony structure, part of the skeleton , that is in the human head and which supports the structures of the face and
Kaynak: Human skull
A skull fracture is a break in one or more of the eight bones that form the cranial portion of the skull , usually occurring as a result of
Kaynak: Skull fracture
Skull symbolism is the attachment of symbol ic meaning to the human skull . The most common symbolic use of the skull is as a
Kaynak: Human skull symbolism
"dead man's head") is the German word for the skull and crossbones and death's head symbols as well as for the Death's-head Hawkmoth
Kaynak: Totenkopf
The cranial vault is the space in the skull within the neurocranium , occupied by the brain . In human s, the size and shape of the brain
Kaynak: Cranial vault
the 12 Wasted Years documentary was based on an alleged American's skull stuck to a Vietnamese tank the band had extra hair added to the
Kaynak: Eddie the Head

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