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sort ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

sort anlamı
1) tür
2) çeşit
3) tip
4) punto
5) sınıf
6) harf takımı
7) kalite
1) sınıflandırmak
2) ayırmak
3) ayıklamak
4) halletmek
5) tasnif etmek
6) çözümlemek

"sort" için örnek kullanımlar

That sort of enthusiasm seems contagious around the Tar Heels these days.
Coşku bu tür bu gün Tar Heels etrafında bulaşıcı görünüyor.
Kaynak: news-record.com
It was a great knee, but he sort of headbutted my knee at the same time.
Bu harika bir diz, ama o tür aynı zamanda benim diz headbutted.
Kaynak: news10.net
This sort of defeat had, it seemed, been consigned to history on his watch.
, Öyle görünüyordu ki, onun seyretmek tarihe gömüldü oylandı yenilgi Bu tür vardı.
Kaynak: express.co.uk
"I just sort of watched from not afar, but a rather close distance.
"Ben sadece uzaktan değil izledim sıralamak, ancak oldukça yakın bir mesafe.
Kaynak: usatoday.com
In typesetting by hand compositing, a sort is a piece of type representing a particular letter or symbol , cast from a matrix mould and
Kaynak: Sort (typesetting)
In Unix-like operating system s, sort is a standard command line program that prints the lines of its input or concatenation of all files
Kaynak: Sort (Unix)
The Sort/Merge utility is a mainframe program to sort records in a file into a specified order, merge pre-sorted files into a sorted file,
Kaynak: Mainframe sort merge
the end, as arguments and performs a comparison sort on the range of elements between the two iterators, front-inclusive and end-exclusive.
Kaynak: Sort (C++)
Insertion sort is a simple sorting algorithm that builds the final sorted array (or list) one item at a time. heapsort , or merge sort .
Kaynak: Insertion sort
Merge sort (also commonly spelled mergesort) is an O (n log n) comparison-based sorting algorithm . produce a stable sort , which means
Kaynak: Merge sort
In computer science , radix sort is a non- comparative integer sorting algorithm that sorts data with integer keys by grouping keys by
Kaynak: Radix sort
Bubble sort, sometimes incorrectly referred to as sinking sort, is a simple sorting algorithm that works by repeatedly stepping through
Kaynak: Bubble sort

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