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southwester ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

southwester anlamı
1) lodos
2) güneybatı rüzgârı
3) geniş kenarlı gemici şapkası

"southwester" için örnek kullanımlar

The 2004 Quetta Ashura massacre is the sectarian terrorist attack on Tuesday 2 March 2004 during an Ashura procession in southwester
Kaynak: 2004 Quetta Ashura massacre
Großer Zechliner See, the short Zechlin Canal and the Schwarzer See (also Kleiner Zechliner See) to its southwester end after 8.49 kilometres.
Kaynak: Rheinsberg Lake Region
gives connection to DR-44 which spurs out of DR-2 and continues to southwester cities of Barahona , and Pedernales while DR-2 continues
Kaynak: DR-2
Also at the southwester end, the River Affric flows into the tiny loch of Loch Na Camaig . At the north Easter side, both the lochs Loch-
Kaynak: Loch Affric
Race indicus is found in the northern parts of India Race albiventris is found in the Andaman Islands, interpositus from southwester China
Kaynak: White-rumped Shama
project with the Nigerian Conservation Foundation , the zoo has assisted with biodiversity surveys of the southwester region of the country.
Kaynak: North Carolina Zoo

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