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sudorific ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

sudorific anlamı
1) terletici
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"sudorific" için örnek kullanımlar

It is widely used in folk medicine for stomach ache, as sudorific, and as liniment for rheumatism. Aged heartwood is rich in terpenes such
Kaynak: Bursera graveolens
He was a determined enemy of bleeding in all cases, relying chiefly on sudorific s. He proposed the operation of gastrostomy in cases of
Kaynak: Paul Barbette
The Kayenta Navajo use it as a cathartic, for insect bites, as a sudorific, as an emetic, for stomach cramps, and as a general panacea.
Kaynak: Navajo ethnobotany
What remains was used much with the same intentions as antihecticum poterii , and was recommended by some as a sudorific . References
Kaynak: Arcanum joviale
It was used as a diuretic and sudorific . The recipe was purchased for 500 dollars by the Duke of Holstein . Schroder, the prince's
Kaynak: Arcanum duplicatum
To obtain the greatest benefits from its use as a sudorific , it was recommended that copious drafts of some warm and harmless drink be
Kaynak: Dover's powder
Among other artworks sudorific inlaid work can be mentioned. In this kind of inlaid work, the artist strictly avoids protrusions on the
Kaynak: Khatam
Salt of hartshorn (ammonium carbonate ) was used as a sudorific for treatment of fevers, and as a smelling salt Hartshorn was used to
Kaynak: Hartshorn
It is also used as a fungicide, dentifrice, rubefacient, diaphoretic, perfume, carminative and sudorific During the establishment of the
Kaynak: Sassafras
The Kayenta Navajo also use it as a cathartic, for insect bites, as a sudorific, as an emetic, for stomach cramps, and as a general
Kaynak: Abronia fragrans
He channels the lucubrative lust of those mired in the blasé, nidorous, and sudorific morass of subcontinental city life: for distant
Kaynak: Rabindranath Tagore

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