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underexposure ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

underexposure anlamı
1) karanlık çıkarma
2) eksik ışıklama

"underexposure" için örnek kullanımlar

Overexposure and underexposure: File:Stühle Froschperspektive. jpg | White chair: Deliberate use of overexposure for aesthetic purposes.
Kaynak: Exposure (photography)
unusual lighting distribution, variations within a camera system, filters, non-standard processing, or intended underexposure or overexposure .
Kaynak: Exposure compensation
This technique results in effective overdevelopment of the film, compensating for underexposure in the camera. Push processing allows
Kaynak: Push processing
It usually is used to maximal effect in conjunction with a one-stop underexposure. Technique: Image:Bleach bypass Example Greg Keene.
Kaynak: Bleach bypass
called center weighted average metering ) with less influence from the top of the frame, to minimize underexposure due to a bright skyline.
Kaynak: Canon EF camera
Exposure latitude , a photographic term pertaining to over/underexposure of film. Latitude Group , a UK search engine marketing agency
Kaynak: Latitude (disambiguation)
reflectance; a reflected-light meter taking a reading would incorrectly compensate for the difference in reflectance and lead to underexposure.
Kaynak: Light meter
Simply setting that shutter speed without changing the effective lens aperture would result in an underexposure, but the Ricoh 500 will
Kaynak: Ricoh 500
FX-55 has good over and underexposure characteristics, with a low background fog level. The fine, even grain produced is beneficial for
Kaynak: FX-55 (film developer)
Rollei 35 LED resulted from the three light emitting diodes in the viewfinder, which indicated overexposure, correct exposure, or underexposure.
Kaynak: Rollei 35
galvanometer needle pointer moving between horizontally arranged +/– over/underexposure markers at the bottom of the viewfinder to indicate
Kaynak: Nikon F2
that results in between 1.5-f-stop overexposure at the beginning of the life of the alkaline battery and 1.5-f-stop underexposure at the end.
Kaynak: Canonet G-III QL17

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