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validness ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

"validness" için örnek kullanımlar

While an application is running, suddenly restart the computer, and afterwards check the validness of the application's data integrity.
Kaynak: Recovery testing
The criterion for validness (German: Geltung, Gültigkeit) is the freedom of objections. Wohlrapp focusses a dynamic and dialectical
Kaynak: Harald Wohlrapp
On the impact of missing values on item fit and the model validness of the Rasch model. Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling, 53,
Kaynak: Klaus Kubinger
The branch also tests the validness of students' defending speeches, which if true can be excused from punishment. The amount of penalty
Kaynak: Korean Minjok Leadership Academy
Ralph H. Johnson and J. Anthony Blair . Harald Wohlrapp developed a criterion for validness (Geltung, Gültigkeit) as freedom of objections.
Kaynak: Argumentation theory

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