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vizor ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

vizor anlamı
1) güneşlik
2) maske
3) şapka siperi
4) miğferin açılıp kapanan önü

"vizor" için örnek kullanımlar

A visor (also spelled vizor) is a surface that protects the eyes , such as shading them from the sun or other bright light or protecting
Kaynak: Visor
It featured several improvements over the Vickers Mark I : a higher superstructure with the driver's vizor on top of it instead of in
Kaynak: Vickers Medium Mark II
vineyard | vinyard | visor | vizor | woe(ful) | wo(ful | yoghurt,yogurt | yogurt,yoghurt | /ˈjɒɡɚt/ or ˈjoʊɡɚt/ only. ˈjoʊɡɚrt/ in America,
Kaynak: American and British English spelling differences
This was a steel headpiece with a vizor or nose-guard. Khud is the more usual name. But dabalghah is form of helmet with chaghatae origin
Kaynak: Mughal weapons
This was a steel headpiece with a vizor or nose-guard. Khud is the more usual name. But dabalghah is form of helmet with chaghatae origin
Kaynak: Army of the Mughal Empire
windshield of the Nr II class trams, adding a large vizor that contains an air-conditioning unit as well as shields the driver from direct sunlight.
Kaynak: Valmet Nr II

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