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fixity ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

fixity anlamı
1) sabitlik
2) kararlılık
3) değişmezlik

"fixity" için örnek kullanımlar

That should be the pivotal fixity of every well meaning Yoruba leader.
Yani, her iyi niyetli Yoruba liderin önemli sabitlik olmalıdır.
Kaynak: spyghana.com
Border fixity is seen as essential for peace and stability.
Sınır kararlılık barış ve istikrar için önemli olarak görülüyor.
Kaynak: japantimes.co.jp
Fixity is a small St. Paul business founded in 2011 for the purpose of giving people a place where they can bring many household items that are on the fritz.
Fixity insanlar fritz birçok ev eşyaları getirebilir bir yer vermek amacıyla 2011 yılında kurulan küçük bir St Paul iş.
Kaynak: startribune.com
It is not quite common to see, in public life, a man with such profound spirit of service and fixity of purpose; loved so well by the people whom he loves so deeply.
O kadar derinden seven insanlar tarafından bu kadar iyi sevdi; Bu kamu hayatında, hizmet ve amacı sabitlik gibi derin ruhu ile bir adam görmek oldukça yaygın değildir.
Kaynak: dnaindia.com
According to Joseph Needham , Taoism explicitly denies the fixity of biological species and Taoist philosophers speculated that species
Kaynak: History of evolutionary thought
In programming languages and mathematical notation , the associativity (or fixity) of an operator is a property that determines how
Kaynak: Operator associativity
In 1880, as part of its campaign for the Three Fs (fair rent, fixity of tenure and free sale), the Irish Land League under Charles
Kaynak: Charles Boycott
Catalepsy (from Greek κατάληψις "catch") is a nervous condition characterized by muscular rigidity and fixity of posture regardless of
Kaynak: Catalepsy
Artifactual value based on this idea is predicated upon the artifact's originality, faithfulness, fixity, and stability. The intrinsic
Kaynak: Digital artifactual value
fixity of tenure; free sale. (These would all have aided Irish tenant farms, all of whom lacked them.) The Independent Irish Party initially
Kaynak: Independent Irish Party
demands of the tenants - the ‘three Fs' of fair rent, fixity of tenure and free sale – as well as providing sufficient funds for occupier purchase
Kaynak: No Rent Manifesto
This resulted in Ulster in considerable fixity of tenure and, in case of a desire on the part of the tenant to sell his farm , made the
Kaynak: Tenant-right
Problems and disagreements may arise from this fixity of the narrative because it should also preclude alteration of the artistic
Kaynak: Narrative logic
For the larger tenant farmers fixity of tenure was the priority; on the other hand the league never had the support of smaller tenants,
Kaynak: Tenant Right League
Three Fs , in the Irish Land War: "fair rent, free sale, fixity of tenure" Fight-or-flight response , "fight, flight, or freeze"
Kaynak: Three Fs (disambiguation)
The progeny, when fixity of type has been secured, constitutes a New Breed. Under our system of plant breeding we carry the mating of
Kaynak: Gartons Agricultural Plant Breeders

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