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plethoric ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

plethoric anlamı
1) çok fazla
2) aşırı derecede
3) kan çokluğu ile ilgili

"plethoric" için örnek kullanımlar

to the FIGC by the richest clubs of Northern Italy, which disagreed the old format of the championship, based on plethoric regional groups.
Kaynak: Prima Divisione
Financial Times writer, Simon Schama , described the book (in list form) as a delight: "profuse, plethoric, prolix, plentiful, playful,
Kaynak: The Infinity of Lists
plethoric facies - cushing's syndrome and polycythemia vera ' bird-like' facies - pierre robin sequence ashen grey facies - myocardial
Kaynak: Facies (medical)
These clothing accessories insured there was enough volume to create a plasticity effect and thus highlight a plethoric femininity,
Kaynak: Agiasos
Orthodox spirituality and mysticism , but contended that Eliade's manner was "occasionally plethoric, poetically inebriating itself through abuse
Kaynak: Șerban Cioculescu
Cioculescu discussed his "impressive erudition", but argued that it was "occasionally plethoric, poetically inebriating itself through
Kaynak: Mircea Eliade

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