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pleuritic ne demek?

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"pleuritic" için örnek kullanımlar

This can cause severe sharp pain with inhalation (also called pleuritic chest pain ). Symptoms: The main symptom of pleurisy is a sharp,
Kaynak: Pleurisy
It consists of a triad of features, fever, pleuritic pain and pericardial effusion. Dressler's syndrome is also known as postmyocardial
Kaynak: Dressler's syndrome
common clinical syndrome in the other 40% of infected patients is an acute respiratory illness characterized by fever,cough, and pleuritic pain.
Kaynak: Coccidioides
Pneumothorax presents typically with pleuritic chest pain of acute onset and shortness of breath not improved with oxygen.
Kaynak: Dyspnea
Substernal or left precordial pleuritic chest pain with radiation to the trapezius ridge (the bottom portion of scapula on the back),
Kaynak: Pericarditis
Cough, pleuritic or retrosternal chest pain, and decreased oxygen saturation can also be seen in some cases. Physical findings
Kaynak: Postpericardiotomy syndrome
460 BC – 370 BC): "Peripneumonia, and pleuritic affections, are to be thus observed: If the fever be acute, and if there be pains on
Kaynak: Pneumonia
The patient's smoking history, rapid onset of clinical signs and symptoms and pleuritic pain can suggest an apical tumour. A Pancoast
Kaynak: Pancoast tumor
The List : pleuritic chest pain sputum production (R09.3) tachypnea (R06.0) Integumentary. abrasion alopecia anasarca (R60.1)
Kaynak: List of medical symptoms
Symptoms may include abdominal pain , chest pain, chest pain similar to pleuritic pain when stomach, bladder or bowels are full, back
Kaynak: Splenomegaly
an acute illness resembling bacterial pneumonia , with symptoms of high fever, chills, a productive cough, and pleuritic chest pain.
Kaynak: Blastomycosis
It is usually of sudden onset, occurring in the anterior chest and may be pleuritic in nature - that is, sharp and worsens with
Kaynak: Acute pericarditis
Symptoms of pulmonary involvement can be shortness of breath, cough and painful breathing (pleuritic chest pain ). Rarely there is
Kaynak: Lemierre's syndrome
consists of abdominal pain, diarrhea and urticaria, followed roughly 1 to 2 weeks later by fever, pleuritic chest pain, cough and/or dyspnea.
Kaynak: Paragonimus westermani
respiratory problems, dry cough, pleuritic pain, chills, confusion and gastrointestinal symptoms , such as nausea , vomiting and diarrhea .
Kaynak: Q fever
If the pain is pleuritic in nature, it may suggest acute pericarditis caused by hemorrhage into the pericardial sac. This is a
Kaynak: Aortic dissection
Such symptoms include cough or pleuritic chest pain suggestive of pneumonia , bone or joint pain suggestive of osteomyelitis or septic
Kaynak: Melioidosis
breath), tachypnea (rapid breathing), chest pain of a "pleuritic" nature (worsened by breathing), cough and hemoptysis (coughing up blood).
Kaynak: Pulmonary embolism

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