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rehash ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

rehash anlamı
1) yeniden ele almak
2) aynen çıkarmak
3) tekrar ısıtmak
4) temcit pilavı gibi ısıtıp ısıtıp ortaya koymak
1) tekrarlama
2) aynen sunma
3) yeniden ele alma
4) ısıtıp yeniden sunma

"rehash" için örnek kullanımlar

This was basically a rehash of the rant that he wrote on Twitter, earlier.
Bu temelde o daha önce Twitter üzerinde yazdığı rant rehash oldu.
Kaynak: examiner.com
It's not trying to replace, rehash, outdo, usurp or update the original.
Bu, geçmek rehash yerini gasp veya orijinal güncelleştirmeye çalışırken değil.
Kaynak: cleveland.com
They sip Champagne and rehash her visit as they float along in the sunshine.
Onlar güneş boyunca yüzer gibi Onlar yudum şampanya ve rehash onu ziyaret.
Kaynak: freep.com
Resizing is accompanied by a full or incremental table rehash whereby existing items are mapped to new bucket locations. followed by a rehash
Kaynak: Hash table
While the pan-democracy camp attacked the conservative proposals as a rehash of those already rejected in 2005, the government said its
Kaynak: Consultation Document on the Methods for Selecting the Chief Executive and for Forming the LegCo in 2012
I Can't Believe It's a Bigger and Better Updated Unofficial Simpsons Guide criticized the episode as a rehash of older themes, but it was
Kaynak: Miracle on Evergreen Terrace
The song "Darkmatter" is also a rehash of the song "Sweetbreads", which can be found on the live EP Fingerlings 1 . Both bonus tracks
Kaynak: Armchair Apocrypha

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