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sensitive ne demek?

 - 2 sözlük, 2 sonuç.

BSTS / İç Hastalıkları Terimleri Sözlüğü

sensitive anlamı İng. sensitive
Hassas, duygulu, uyarıları alacak yetenekte.

İngilizce - Türkçe

sensitive anlamı
1) hassas
2) duyarlı
3) duygulu
4) alıngan
5) içli
1) hassas kimse
2) alıngan kimse

"sensitive" için örnek kullanımlar

author Kraemer FB, Shen WJ | title Hormone-sensitive lipase: control of intracellular tri-(di-)acylglycerol and cholesteryl ester
Kaynak: Hormona duyarlı lipaz
Kenan is a sensitive but talented violinist who is very rich. Through out the book Kenan and Lamia meet each other several times and they
Kaynak: Dudaktan Kalbe
Each generation of disk drives replaced larger, more sensitive and more cumbersome devices. The earliest drives were usable only in the
Kaynak: Sabit disklerin tarihi
Reconstitution of hormone-sensitive adenylate cyclase activity with resolved components of the enzyme. Ross, E.M., Howlett, A.C., Ferguson
Kaynak: Alfred G. Gilman
J. H. Matthaei und M. W. Nirenberg: Characteristics and stabilization of DNAase-sensitive protein synthesis in E. coli extracts.
Kaynak: Marshall Warren Nirenberg
J Bellingham, SE Wilkie, AG Morris, JK Bowmaker and DM Hunt (1997), "Characterisation of the ultraviolet-sensitive opsin gene in the honey
Kaynak: Vizüel sistem
Beneficial effects of antioxidants and L-arginine on oxidation-sensitive gene expression and endothelial NO synthase activity at sites of
Kaynak: Louis Ignarro

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