Galaxy S4 1920x1800
Super AMOLED ile gelirken, Xperia Z 1920x1800 TFT ekran ile geliyor.
S4 Galaxy Super AMOLED display with 1920x1800, while the Xperia Z comes with a TFT display with 1920x1800.
Kaynak: kirikhan.netReal Madrid i
super kupada yenmistik, yine neden olmasin.
I super cup've beaten Real Madrid again, why not.
Kaynak: Galaxy S4, 4.99 inç
Super AMOLED ekrana sahip.
Samsung Galaxy S4, 4.99-inch Super AMOLED display.
Kaynak: merhabahaber.combizim turkcell
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dmi claimin our Turkcell Super league?