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abandonment ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

abandonment anlamı
1) terk
2) vazgeçme
3) terketme
4) bırakılma
5) bırakma

"abandonment" için örnek kullanımlar

Statoil opts for novel offshore modular rig for Norway well abandonment.
Norveç de vazgeçme için yeni deniz modüler teçhizat için Statoil seçmesi.
Kaynak: offshore-mag.com
The risks show up unexpectedly, which leads to the abandonment of plans.
Riskler beklenmedik sırıtmak, hangi planlarından vazgeçilmesini yol açar.
Kaynak: thestar.com
Dragon offshore Caspian Turkmen well program extended to injection, abandonment.
Ejderha Offshore Hazar Türkmenleri de programı enjeksiyon, terk uzatıldı.
Kaynak: offshore-mag.com
Horse found wandering in Granby part of statewide animal abandonment investigation.
At eyalet çapında hayvan terk soruşturma Granby kısmında dolaşırken buldum.
Kaynak: registercitizen.com
The term abandonment has a multitude of uses, legal and extra-legal. Abandonment, in law, is the relinquishment or renunciation of an
Kaynak: Abandonment
Child abandonment is the practice of relinquishing interests and claims over one's offspring with the intent of never again resuming or
Kaynak: Child abandonment
away, apart', στάσις, stasis, 'stand, 'standing') is the formal disaffiliation from or abandonment or renunciation of a religion by a person.
Kaynak: Apostasy
Abandonment costs are costs associated with the abandonment of a business venture. abandoning an under-producing or non-producing oil or gas well.
Kaynak: Abandonment cost
Abandon, abandoned, or abandonment may refer to: Abandonment , a legal term regarding property. of property after abandonment and rediscovery
Kaynak: Abandon (disambiguation)
In marketing , abandonment rate is a term associated with the use of virtual shopping carts . abandonment of virtual shopping carts is
Kaynak: Abandonment rate
The Osaka child abandonment case was a case of child abandonment involving two abandoned children in Osaka , Japan. abandoning 3-year-old
Kaynak: Osaka child abandonment case
The Xue family murder and abandonment case involves the abandonment of a three-year-old girl, Qian Xun Xue (薛千寻 in Simplified Chinese )
Kaynak: Xue family murder and abandonment

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