Abolish the rule of celibacy and all will be well in the Catholic Church.
Bekarlık kuralı kaldırılması ve tüm Katolik Kilisesi iyi olacak.
Kaynak: nation.co.ke Abolish the pork barrel system and a big source of corruption will disappear.
Domuz varil sisteminin kaldırılması ve yolsuzluk çok büyük bir kaynak kaybolur.
Kaynak: opinion.inquirer.net In fact, a vote to
abolish the hospital board was not on the council's agenda.
Aslında, hastane yönetim kurulu kaldırılması için oy konseyin gündeminde değildi.
Kaynak: dailyworld.comvoted on the seven options proposed by the joint committee and the Commons also voted on an amendment to
abolish the upper House completely: | +
Kaynak: Reform of the House of Lords"Some of the first state constitutions included 'alter or
abolish' provisions that mirrored the traditional right of revolution" in that
Kaynak: Right of revolution