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abridgment ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

abridgment anlamı
1) özetleme
2) kısaltma
3) özet

"abridgment" için örnek kullanımlar

But critics have called the order an abridgment of freedom of speech that stifles public debate.
Ama eleştirmenler için kamusal tartışma zapteden konuşma özgürlüğünün bir özetleme çağrıda bulundular.
Kaynak: fsrn.org
A single volume abridgment appeared in 2002.
Tek bir ses özetleme 2002 yılında ortaya çıktı.
Kaynak: insideindianabusiness.com
"It is an abridgment of our freedom to speak. It affects not only panhandlers, but baseball leagues, firefighters and others.
"It değil sadece panhandlers etkiler. Konuşmak bizim özgürlük özetleme, ama beyzbol ligleri, itfaiyeciler ve diğerleri.
Kaynak: worcestermag.com
No longer can the Republican party go along with the radical NRA position that any gun regulation is an abridgment of our constitutional rights.
Cumhuriyetçi Parti herhangi bir silah yönetmelik anayasal hakların bir özetleme olduğunu radikal NRA konumu ile artık birlikte gidebilirsiniz.
Kaynak: mydesert.com
Abridgement or abridgment is a term defined as "shortening" or "condensing" and is most commonly used in reference to the act of reducing a
Kaynak: Abridgement
A précis (pronounced "pray-see"): is a type of summary or abridgment. Précis or Precis may also refer to: Critical précis or "rhetorical
Kaynak: Précis
Cuimre na nGenealach is an abridgment of Dubhaltach Mac Fhirbhisigh 's Leabhar na nGenealach , written at his home in County Sligo in the
Kaynak: Cuimre na nGenealach
After the Fourteenth Amendment was enacted, the Constitution also protected rights from abridgment by state leaders and governments, even
Kaynak: Equal Protection Clause
The first English translation of Mein Kampf was an abridgment by Edgar Dugdale, who started work on it in 1931, at the prompting of his
Kaynak: Edgar Dugdale
All these works are of the same character: they are brief guides to halacha , in the form of an abridgment and updating of Joseph Caro 's
Kaynak: Kitzur Shulchan Aruch
He published the abridgment sometimes referred to as Brook's New Cases in 1578 and the abridgment sometimes referred to as Bellewe's
Kaynak: Richard Bellewe
some of these are more along the lines of abridgment s, such as many which have been written of Gibbon's The History of the Decline and
Kaynak: Epitome
Dugdale abridgment: The first English translation was an abridgment by Edgar Dugdale who started work on it in 1931, at the prompting of his
Kaynak: Mein Kampf
A further reason for abridgment is that Shakespeare assumed that his audiences would be familiar with the Henry VI plays, and frequently
Kaynak: Richard III (play)
It is presented as an abridgment of The Princess Bride by S. Morgenstern (though no such book exists), and Goldman's "commentary" asides
Kaynak: The Princess Bride

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