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absinth ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

absinth anlamı
1) apsent
2) pelin

"absinth" için örnek kullanımlar

The whole of the rebels and pirates celebrate their union over absinth, while Saxa confronts the young Sibyl for her continued pursuit of Gannicus.
Saxa Gannicus onu sürekli takip için genç Sibyl yüzleşir ederken isyancılar ve korsanlar bütün absinth üzerindeki sendika kutlamak.
Kaynak: screencrush.com
Hill's is a brand of Bohemian-style_absinth owned and produced by the Czech company Hill's Liquere . Hill's Absinth is the first Czech
Kaynak: Hill's Absinth
Bohemian-style or Czech-style absinth (also called anise-free absinthe, or just “absinth” without the “e”) is an ersatz version of the
Kaynak: Bohemian-style absinth
La Fée comes in five styles: Parisienne, an anise-flavored absinthe; Bohemian, a low-anise absinth; La Fée X•S Suisse and La Fée X•S
Kaynak: La Fée Absinthe
It was in Prague that he first experienced both Czech beer and absinth , and he launched several alcoholic drinks ventures when he moved
Kaynak: George Rowley (entrepreneur)
The Greeks used kásia (cassia ) or malabathron to flavour wine, together with absinth wormwood (Artemisia absinthium ). Malabathrum
Kaynak: Malabathrum

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