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absolutism ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

absolutism anlamı
1) saltçılık
2) mutlâkiyet

"absolutism" için örnek kullanımlar

But the absolutism of the US government in the face of threat was striking.
Ama tehdit karşısında ABD hükümetinin mutlakıyet çarpıcı oldu.
Kaynak: telegraph.co.uk
Democrats in the House and Senate protested his absolutism on abortion.
Temsilciler Meclisi ve Senato Demokratlar kürtaj konusundaki mutlakiyet protesto etti.
Kaynak: businessweek.com
However, I have found one case testing my First Amendment absolutism.
Ancak, benim Birinci Değişiklik mutlakiyet test bir durumda bulduk.
Kaynak: forbes.com
The title alone gave off an air of absolutism and certainty that concerned me.
Yalnız başlığı mutlakiyet ve bana endişe kesinlik havası verdi.
Kaynak: thejakartaglobe.com
Moral absolutism is an ethical view that certain actions are absolutely right or wrong, regardless of other circumstances such as their
Kaynak: Moral absolutism
Enlightened absolutism (also called by later historians benevolent despotism or enlightened despotism) is a form of absolute monarchy or
Kaynak: Enlightened absolutism
while historians such as Roger Mettam dispute the very concept of absolutism In general, historians who disagree with the appellation of
Kaynak: Absolute monarchy
However, many obstacles stood in the way of absolutism in France: Noble s had the means to raise private armies and build fortification s.
Kaynak: Absolute monarchy in France
Graded absolutism is a theory of moral absolutism which resolves the objection to absolutism that in moral conflicts we are obligated to
Kaynak: Graded absolutism
Meiklejohnian absolutism is the belief espoused by the absolutist Alexander Meiklejohn , that the purpose of the 1st Amendment is to
Kaynak: Meiklejohnian absolutism
d | d | none Muscovite autocracy,e | e | none tsarist absolutism ,f | f | none imperial absolutism,g | g | none Russian absolutism,h | h |
Kaynak: Tsarist autocracy
Absolutism : convincing the nobles to give up some of their powers and their exemption from taxes, leading to the era of absolutism in Denmark.
Kaynak: History of Denmark
"viewpoint")"; it is roughly translated into English as "non-absolutism ". An -ekānta "uncertainty, non-exclusivity" is the opposite of
Kaynak: Anekantavada
the congregation (people) to elect their presbyters (church officials) since it undermined his absolutism (according to the Divine Right).
Kaynak: History of the Constitution of the United Kingdom
Joseph was a proponent of enlightened absolutism ; however, his commitment to modernizing reforms subsequently engendered significant
Kaynak: Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor
Its connection with Byzantine-style absolutism gave rise to the modern terms autocrat and autocracy . In modern Greek , it means "
Kaynak: Autokrator
Leopold was a moderate proponent of enlightened absolutism Youth: Image:Pompeo Batoni 002. jpg | Leopold (left) with his brother Emperor
Kaynak: Leopold II, Holy Roman Emperor

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