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accounting ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

accounting anlamı
1) muhasebe
2) saymanlık

"accounting" için örnek kullanımlar

The accounting hiccup, while apparently minor, comes at an inopportune moment.
Muhasebe hıçkırık, görünüşte önemsiz olurken, bir zamansız bir anda gelir.
Kaynak: blogs.wsj.com
Letter: Time for an accounting of expenses on Twin Pairs studies.
Mektubu: İkiz Çifti çalışmalar giderlerinin bir muhasebe zamanı.
Kaynak: tcpalm.com
An independent accounting publication ranked the school as No.
Bağımsız muhasebe yayın No olarak okul sıralanmış
Kaynak: deseretnews.com
Bad accounting forces Bentleys and Fire Stones closures.
Bad muhasebe güçleri Bentleys ve Fire Stones kapanışları.
Kaynak: rutlandherald.com
Accountancy, or the accounting, is the production of information about an enterprise and the transmission of that information from those who
Kaynak: Accountancy
Accounting software is application software that records and processes accounting transactions within functional modules such as accounts
Kaynak: Accounting software
An accountant is a practitioner of accountancy or accounting, which is the measurement, disclosure or provision of assurance about
Kaynak: Accountant
This confusion is understandable because the accounting process includes the bookkeeping function, but is just one part of the accounting
Kaynak: Bookkeeping
Such designations were originally intended to license non-certified accountants who were practicing public accounting before a state
Kaynak: Certified Public Accountant
Master of Science in Accounting (MSA), is a graduate professional degree designed to prepare students for public accounting and to provide
Kaynak: Master of Accountancy
Carbon accounting refers generally to processes undertaken to "measure " amounts of carbon dioxide equivalent s emitted by an entity.
Kaynak: Carbon accounting
FCAPS is an acronym for fault, configuration, accounting, performance, security, the management categories into which the ISO model
Kaynak: FCAPS
Management accounting or managerial accounting is concerned with the provisions and use of accounting information to managers within
Kaynak: Management accounting
In accounting , profit is the difference between the purchase and the component costs of delivered goods and/or services and any operating
Kaynak: Profit (accounting)
Accounting scandals, or corporate accounting scandals, are political and business scandal s which arise with the disclosure of misdeeds by
Kaynak: Accounting scandals
Creative accounting and earnings management are euphemism s referring to accounting practices that may follow the letter of the rules of
Kaynak: Creative accounting
In financial accounting , a liability is defined as an obligation of an entity arising from past transactions or events, the settlement of
Kaynak: Liability (financial accounting)
Social accounting (also known as social and environmental accounting, corporate social reporting, corporate social responsibility reporting
Kaynak: Social accounting

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