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acculturation ne demek?

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acculturation anlamı
1) kültürleşme

"acculturation" için örnek kullanımlar

As should be expected these people are now Lozi or Rotse by acculturation.
Beklenebileceği gibi bu insanlar şimdi kültürlenme tarafından Lozi veya Rotse vardır.
Kaynak: zimeye.org
That is the price we have to pay for democracy and acculturation!
Biz demokrasi ve kültürlenme için ödemek zorunda fiyat budur!
Kaynak: spyghana.com
An executive administrator of an institution that typically prefers acculturation.
Tipik kültürlenme tercih bir kurumun bir yürütme yöneticisi.
Kaynak: minnpost.com
Undocumented workers today show similar acculturation patterns to those of the past.
Belgesiz işçiler bugün geçmişte benzer kültürlenme desenler gösteriyor.
Kaynak: delawareonline.com
It describes acculturation or assimilation , but can imply a negative view towards acculturation from a minority culture by a dominant
Kaynak: Cultural appropriation
Hungarianization, Hungarianisation) was an assimilation or acculturation process by which non-Hungarian nationals came to adopt the
Kaynak: Magyarization
Slavicisation is the acculturation or adoption of something non-Slavic into Slavic culture or terms. The process can either be voluntary
Kaynak: Slavicisation
The Nelson Farm is a historical example of acculturation of immigrant farmers in Merrick County , Nebraska . The farm provides a physical
Kaynak: Nelson Farm, Nebraska
Gabriel Horenczyk is a social psychologist who has conducted various studies on acculturation and cultural identity. He is currently
Kaynak: Gabriel Horenczyk
Westernization can also be related to processes of acculturation and enculturation . Acculturation is the changes that occur within a
Kaynak: Westernization
Enculturation is sometimes referred to as acculturation , a word recently used to more distinctively refer only to exchanges of cultural
Kaynak: Enculturation
Professor Emeritus of Psychology at Queen's University He can be seen as one of the main establishers of the field of acculturation psychology.
Kaynak: John W. Berry
indicate different historical processes, such as acculturation , integration and assimilation of newly incorporated and peripheral
Kaynak: Romanization (cultural)
another; it does not consist merely of acquiring another culture (acculturation) or of losing or uprooting a previous culture (deculturation).
Kaynak: Transculturation
See acculturation and assimilation . Kim's work is a rehash of 1940s era model minority ideology. Park and Gordon are two of the major
Kaynak: Integrative communication theory
Acculturation: The extent of a Hispanic American's acculturation in the United States, or their assimilation to mainstream American culture
Kaynak: Hispanic paradox
It is a type of acculturation using political influence. such a process, the result is neither total assimilation nor total acculturation.
Kaynak: Siberian minorities in the Soviet era
Assimilation and acculturation: Archaeological, linguistic and anecdotal evidence suggests that Taiwan's indigenous peoples have undergone a
Kaynak: Taiwanese aborigines
to the United States , the "melting pot" process has been equated with Americanization , that is, cultural assimilation and acculturation .
Kaynak: Melting pot
Education was viewed as the primary method in the acculturation process for minorities. Americanization policies were based on the idea
Kaynak: Cultural assimilation of Native Americans

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