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accurate ne demek?

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accurate anlamı
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"accurate" için örnek kullanımlar

Twitter reaction, trends are misleading and never accurate: study.
Twitter tepki eğilimleri yanıltıcı ve doğru asla: çalışma.
Kaynak: pix11.com
GRAVES: Congress' use of 'sequestration' not accurate.
GRAVES: haciz 'doğru değildir Kongresi' kullanımı '.
Kaynak: mitchellrepublic.com
'Argo' tension accurate, says former Gulf War hostage.
'Argo' gerginliği doğru, eski Körfez Savaşı rehin diyor.
Kaynak: usatoday.com
Rare diseases research advances accurate treatment.
Nadir hastalıklar araştırma gelişmeleri doğru tedavi.
Kaynak: healthcanal.com
A measurement system can be accurate but not precise, precise but not accurate, neither, or both. For example, if an experiment contains
Kaynak: Accuracy and precision
relative error (which has the advantage of being a more accurate measure of precision, and is independent of the radix of the number system used).
Kaynak: Significant figures
Gal's accurate tables is a method devised by Shmuel Gal to provide accurate values of special functions using a lookup table and
Kaynak: Gal's accurate tables
A cycle-accurate simulator is a computer program that simulates a microarchitecture on a cycle-by-cycle basis. not cycle-accurate to a
Kaynak: Computer architecture simulator
In big O notation , an nth-order accurate numerical method is notated as O(h^n). Partial differential equations which vary over both time
Kaynak: Order of accuracy
Accurate mass: The accurate mass (more appropriately, the measured accurate mass) is an experimentally determined mass that allows the
Kaynak: Mass (mass spectrometry)
also said he had no personal knowledge of their content he later claimed he had been told to assume the content of the documents was accurate
Kaynak: Killian documents controversy
Kibibyte” is a more accurate word for what has been traditionally articulated in modern computing as “kilobyte .” According to Système
Kaynak: Kibibyte
A marine chronometer is a clock that is precise and accurate enough to be used as a portable time standard ; it can therefore be used to
Kaynak: Marine chronometer
The term public is not completely accurate, as some types of public baths are restricted depending on membership, gender, religious
Kaynak: Public bathing

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